Paintings 2011

Die Überlebenden · The Survivors - Painting by Michael Kunze

Die Überlebenden · The Survivors

290 × 230 cm

Schwarzorange/Eklipse · Blackorange/Eclipse - Painting by Michael Kunze

Schwarzorange/Eklipse · Blackorange/Eclipse

200 × 180 cm

Schwarzorange/Perihel · Blackorange/Perihelion - Painting by Michael Kunze

Schwarzorange/Perihel · Blackorange/Perihelion

280 × 230 cm

Schwarzorange/Asymptote · Blackorange/Asymptote - Painting by Michael Kunze

Schwarzorange/Asymptote · Blackorange/Asymptote

290 × 230 cm

Schwarzorange/Wright-Tivoli · Blackorange/WrightTivoli - Painting by Michael Kunze

Schwarzorange/Wright-Tivoli · Blackorange/WrightTivoli

275 × 205 cm

Stich · Stitch - Painting by Michael Kunze

Stich · Stitch

180 × 140 cm

Spann · Instep - Painting by Michael Kunze

Spann · Instep

205 × 185 cm

Schluck · Gulp - Painting by Michael Kunze

Schluck · Gulp

205 × 160 cm

Fall · Fall/Case - Painting by Michael Kunze

Fall · Fall/Case

175 ×140 cm

Atelier/Schlagseite · Studio/List - Painting by Michael Kunze

Atelier/Schlagseite · Studio/List

200 × 180 cm

Initial · Initial - Painting by Michael Kunze

Initial · Initial

205 × 185 cm

Schulhof Sils-Pforta · Schoolyard Sils-Pforta - Painting by Michael Kunze

Schulhof Sils-Pforta · Schoolyard Sils-Pforta

280 × 230 cm

Tag der geschlossenen Tür/Genua · Day of the Closed Door/Genoa - Painting by Michael Kunze

Tag der geschlossenen Tür/Genua ·
Day of the Closed Door/Genoa

210 × 190 cm

Tag der geschlossenen Tür/Turin · Day of the Closed Door/Turin - Painting by Michael Kunze

Tag der geschlossenen Tür/Turin ·
Day of the Closed Door/Turin

210 × 190 cm

Ruperts Worte, Trailer · Rupert's Words, Trailer - Painting by Michael Kunze

Ruperts Worte, Trailer ·
Rupert's Words, Trailer

140 × 130 cm

Text zur Ausstellung Text to the exhibition

Ruperts Worte, DinnerI · Rupert's Words, DinnerI - Painting by Michael Kunze

Ruperts Worte, DinnerI ·
Rupert's Words, DinnerI

140 × 160 cm

Text zur Ausstellung Text to the exhibition

Ruperts Worte, DinnerII · Rupert's Words, DinnerII - Painting by Michael Kunze

Ruperts Worte, DinnerII ·
Rupert's Words, DinnerII

140 × 170 cm

Text zur Ausstellung Text to the exhibition

Ruperts Worte, Grablegung · Rupert's Words, Entombment - Painting by Michael Kunze

Ruperts Worte, Grablegung ·
Rupert's Words, Entombment

140 × 140 cm

Text zur Ausstellung Text to the exhibition

Ruperts Worte, Verrat · Rupert's Words, Betrayal - Painting by Michael Kunze

Ruperts Worte, Verrat ·
Rupert's Words, Betrayal

140 × 60 cm

Text zur Ausstellung Text to the exhibition

Atelier/Hubschrauberlandeplatz · Studio/Heliport - Painting by Michael Kunze

Atelier/Hubschrauberlandeplatz · Studio/Heliport

200 × 150 cm

Perlmutt I · Mother of Pearl I - Painting by Michael Kunze

Perlmutt I · Mother of Pearl I

200 × 150 cm

Perlmutt I · Mother of Pearl II - Painting by Michael Kunze

Perlmutt II · Mother of Pearl II

200 × 150 cm